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A Complete History of Mushrooms

The term mushroom refers to a group of few species which are usually consumed; eaten in salads, sandwiches, soups and pizza. However, there are other types, especially the psilocybin mushroom, which have been ingested for thousands of years, leaving those who take them in a completely different state of mind.

Often referred to as the "magic mushroom", this mushroom is found all over the world, has a very long history, and causes obvious hallucinations in those who eat it. You can visit this website if you want to purchase genius focus micro dose online.

Mushrooms have likely been used since prehistoric times to convey shamanic and religious visions and to help relax. There is little evidence of their use in North Africa, mostly from cave paintings, and sculptures with prominent mushrooms have been found in Central America.

However, they seem to be used routinely in rituals. The Aztecs described it as a sacred mushroom, and they also described it as teonanacatl, or "flesh of the gods". This allowed intercession with the gods. It can be served with honey or chocolate for a better taste.

Mixtecs from central Mexico also used mushrooms to communicate with their god, in this case Piltzintecuhtli, which means "seven flowers". Of course, he is the god of magic mushrooms and other hallucinogens, including peyote.

When the Spaniards and the Portuguese explored the region in the 16th century, they found that many local customs contained these mushrooms and squeezed them. In practice, they saw seizures, visions, and the chatter of mushrooms caused by local residents communicating with demons.