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Different Types Of Paintball Games In The USA

Playing paintball is a fun way to spend time outdoors, with friends and family. The first game of paintball was invented in the 1800s and it has been around for over 100 years. 

There are different types of paintball games, and the one that you will choose to play will depend on how many people you want to play with. You can have a field-based or woodsball game.

With this type of game, there is no scenario and the players are not required to use any particular weapon. There is also no time limit; this is because the objective is to capture territories, as they are sometimes called in paintballing jargon. 

This type of game only needs six players, which makes it ideal for smaller groups of friends. The sport has a very international appeal and if you want to be part of a larger network of paintball players, then this is the type of game for you.

The woodsball game is very similar to the field game in a way that it also has no scenario and there is no time limit. There are different teams who play the game, but they can be either two-person teams or bigger teams. The players have to use their own paintball gear with at least four paintballs carried on them at all times. 

Woodball games usually take place in a range of places such as fields, forests, grasslands and beaches; however, some people prefer playing on city streets.

If you're looking for a fun and challenging activity to do with friends, paintball is definitely an option worth considering. Not only does it offer some great physical exercise, but playing in a team setting can be a lot of fun too.