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Everything You Need To Know About The Dental Implants Service In Buderim

Our teeth were made originally to last a lifetime. There are times when our teeth need to be extracted. These reasons include anatomical problems, disease of the gums, or incorrect positioning. Fortunately, the dental implant service at an affordable cost in Buderim is now available at most dental clinics.

Facts about Dental Implants

Implants are used primarily as replacement therapy. This is done to support the replacement teeth in the same way that our natural teeth roots support our teeth.

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There is no age limit for this dental service. Implant therapy can be done at any age provided it is the best option for your missing tooth. This procedure is ideal for clients who cannot wear dentures. After careful evaluation of your medical and dental history, the dentist will decide if this is the right procedure for you.

The procedure of placing the Dental Implants

The dentist will perform certain diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, and take a complete medical and dental history before the surgery. These tests are required to ensure the best possible service.

There are two types:

The Endosteal, also known as in the bone implants, is the first type. This type of dental implant is the most popular and it is an excellent alternative for patients who have bridges or removable dentures.

Next is the Subperiosteal, or on the bone implant. The implants are placed on top of the jaw, with the metal frameworks protruding from the gums. This makes the prosthesis more stable. This procedure is great for people who are unable to wear dentures or have low bone height.