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Get Transformational Trainings Online

What is the difference between CHANGE and Transformation? This question could have many answers and different perceptions of people can bring out different definitions. One way of looking at both these words and differentiating is – CHANGE could be temporary and reversible but Transformation is Permanent!

When a pupa becomes a butterfly, is it a change or a transformational effect? Definitely, it is Transformation as it's not reversible; the butterfly no way on earth would become a worm again! You can also get transformational power courses online.

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Behavioral training's transformational nature has always been a question and has been an area of concern for lots of organizations. Under stringent budgets and cost-cutting scenarios, many organizations cut down on behavioral training as they are viewed as a cost rather than an investment. Knowledge and awareness shared by good trainers are truly valuable but the transformation in participants and employees is a question.

All the behavioral programs like Leadership, Motivation, Relationship empowerment, team bonding, and many more require a complete shift in the mindset, perceptions, and beliefs for the workshop to be effective! The workshop hence needs to focus on raising awareness, using powerful questioning techniques for self-realization, and programming the subconscious and unconscious of an individual.