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Homemade Bath Salt Recipes

Wondering how to create homemade bath salts recipes? This bath salt recipe guide can help ease the stresses of a hard day at work, moisturize your skin and calm you down for your next soak with 4 different blends to suit your individual needs, this homemade bath salt recipe is ready to go right out of the box.

Dead Sea salt has long been known as one of the most popular natural and medicinal salts available today. The Dead Sea contains a diverse range of minerals that are known for healing skin conditions, relieving irritations, and soothing tired muscles. Its unique mineral makeup is composed of magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromine, manganese, chloride, and sodium chloride. Using these ingredients in your own bath salt mix allows you to create your own special blend, one to suit your individual needs.

To make your own Sea Salt Bath Salt recipe, start by mixing together a teaspoonful of each salt type. Next, add one tablespoon of Epsom salt into your mixture. It's best to keep this additive on the lower side of the salt pack, to avoid overwhelming your body's cells. If you have sensitive skin or are suffering from dry skin, add just one tablespoon at a time. Finally, add another tablespoon of salt to your mixture and stir to combine.

A lot of people have reported positive results using Sea Salt bath salts to treat common illnesses such as coughs, flu, colds, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal conditions. For instance, it was used by early Native Americans to treat fevers and even as a way to ward off the bad effects of sun, dirt, and wind on the skin. People from all over the world have also been using it for years to alleviate the pain of muscle aches caused by accidents, repetitive motions, or simply being too sedentary. It's no wonder why so many people feel the benefits of using this natural supplement.

To make your own Sea Salt bath salt, pour one tablespoon of Epsom salt into two glass jars and add one tablespoon of liquid sea salt. Place the mixture inside the jar and secure the lids with silicone bands or any other type of sealant. After that, fill your jars up to the top with distilled water so that the salt won't spill.

Next, add one tablespoon of lavender, Rosemary, chamomile, or neem oil to each jar. Use up to three drops of these essential oils per jar of salt. This allows you to create a wonderful aroma with the salts, which makes bathing all the more enjoyable. Once you have filled your ears with these essential oils, place them in a warm place in your home and turn them on full blast to allow the oils to do their job for you.

The next step in creating a Sea Salt Recipe is to add one tablespoon of ground dried Rosemary, peppermint, ginger, and cloves to each of your jars. This is best added about an hour before using the salt to relieve the pain of sore muscles. Just as the essential oils work to relieve sore joints and muscles, they help to relieve itching, irritation, and inflammation.

Once you have completed your Sea Salt Recipe, place the mixture into your bath water and soak for two to three minutes to relax your body. Use it in between baths to refresh and nourish your skin. After your first use, be sure to leave the mixture overnight to allow it to absorb the minerals so that you have a pleasant and refreshing experience every single time.