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How Do You Use Natural Hair Growth Products?

Finding the right natural hair growth products can be a bit daunting. There are so many to choose from and it can be hard to know what is actually effective. Here are some tips on how to use natural hair products for growth

1. Start with a small amount. A little goes a long way with these types of products, so start with a light application and increase as needed.

2. Be patient. Hair growth takes time, so don’t expect results overnight.

3. Don’t use too many products at once. Using multiple products can result in build-up and irritation. Work up to using multiple products over time if you want stronger hair growth results.

4. Use natural ingredients whenever possible. Many of the best natural hair growth products include ingredients like vitamins, minerals, and herbals that are beneficial for your hair and scalp.

5. Follow the instructions carefully. Some products require you to leave them on for extended periods of time while others require only brief treatment sessions once or twice per day. Follow the instructions to see the best results for your hair type and skin sensitivity.

6. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals. Many hair growth serums, shampoos, conditioners, and other products contain toxic ingredients like sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), cetrimonium chloride, ammonium laureth sulfate, and the like. We recommend you avoid these types of ingredients whenever possible.

7. Avoid overdoing it on the product too! Too much can be as bad for your hair as not enough. Don't use a hair growth shampoo or serum if you aren't already using one from a reputable brand that has been proven to work for your specific needs.