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Top Maintenance Tips For Your Automatic Pool Cover In UK

Maintaining an automatic pool cover is essential for operating efficiently and safely. An automated pool cover can protect the pool from debris and dirt, help maintain the temperature of the pool, and even reduce the amount of chemicals needed to keep the pool clean. Here are some tips to help you maintain your automatic pool cover.

Inspect the Cover Regularly

Regularly inspect the cover for signs of damage or wear. Look for any tears, cracks, or rips in the material. If any of these are present, it is important to repair the cover to prevent further damage immediately. You can also learn more about automatic pool cover in the UK, by visiting various online sources.

Clean the Cover

Periodically clean the cover using a mild soap and water solution. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated on the cover. Do not use any harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasives as this can damage the material.

Lubricate Moving Parts

It is important to lubricate any moving parts on the pool cover. This will help to reduce friction and ensure that the cover operates smoothly. Use a silicone-based lubricant to lubricate the moving parts and keep them in good working order.

Check the Tubing

Inspect the tubing that is connected to the pool cover to make sure it is free from any debris or dirt. If there is any build-up, it is essential to clean it out to prevent any blockages.

Check for Leaks

Make sure that there are no leaks around the pool cover. If any leaks are found, it is important to repair them as soon as possible to prevent water damage to the pool and surrounding area.

What Are The Benefits Of Installing A Retractable Pool Enclosure?

Whether you need to keep a domestic or commercial pool protected, a retractable pool enclosure can be a great investment. It will allow swimming all year round – in warm months and even in cold weather. You can also purchase the best retractable pool enclosure via

Unlike the fixed enclosure of the past, modern retractable enclosures allow sunlight to reach the entire area around the pool. There are so many benefits to using this type of enclosure for your pool.


No words can emphasize the importance of swimming pool safety. This is something you can't compromise on. Whether you are a homeowner or run a commercial facility with a swimming pool, it is your responsibility to ensure that the water is protected from accidental access.

Modern retractable pool enclosures offer reliable security, whether for children, pets, or anyone else. It can protect unwanted people and animals while allowing access when the pool is open for use.

Add value and looks to pool

Choosing the right swimming pool enclosure can not only enhance the look of your home but can also add value to your property.

Enclosures can complement your pool and garden. In fact, this is one of the reasons why many homeowners add pool enclosures. A pool enclosure can not only add value to your property but also make it easier to sell.