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All About Antenatal Clinics For Mothers

Most of your prenatal care (antenatal care) is given at a location outside the hospital. However, we have several specialized clinics in the hospital where women can be attended by specialists or midwives if needed.

If like most women, you experience no complications during pregnancy, all you need is the supervision of your midwife and family doctor. To get more details about antenatal clinics you may see it here.

antenatal clinic

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For ease of access, we also offer in-hospital maternity clinics for women living outside our geographic area. All appointments are arranged by your midwife, who will provide you with details of your appointment and reasons for referral to a specialist clinic.

Where do prenatal appointments take place?

As soon as we receive your letter of recommendation, a midwifery appointment will be scheduled for you along with your first scan. Both appointments will be sent to you by post with details of your location. We must have the correct address and contact phone number for you.

Your first appointment with a midwife is known as a "reservation." The location of your prenatal care will depend on where you live and should be in a comfortable place.

The majority (85%) of prenatal care is provided in easily accessible communities, for example, in your private practice, health center, or children's center. Scan appointments are always there at the hospital. Read more about scanning and testing.