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Some Tips For Curing Separation Anxiety In Dogs

When you return from work your dog comes with you into your bedroom, which is where you discover that she's chewed the pricey footwear. The next neighbor arrives to complain the dog again drove the neighborhood mad with her constant whining. 

If this is a scenario that you are familiar with, the dog might be suffering from separation anxiety. If you want to get solutions to cure dog separation anxiety, hire dog separation anxiety specialist for the best treatments. They will tell you some tips such as no talk, no touch, no eye contact. It means don't make a big deal of the time you are leaving the home or when you return.

dog separation anxiety specialist, dog behaviorist separation anxiety

By doing this you're telling your dog that leaving isn't much. Based on the degree of anxiety your dog has it may be necessary to keep the rule in mind for five minutes to an hour prior to leaving, and again when you return.

You can say goodbye to your dog before you go. If you're having trouble doing the silence, no talking, and no eye contact, be aware that your dog won't feel hurt if you don't say goodbye. Remember that you're doing this for your dog so you must be strong and don't make an enormous fuss about leaving.