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Find a Gift Idea For Any Occasion

Motives for giving

The altruistic motives of giving are primarily aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the recipient of the gift. The agonistic motives of giving are primarily aimed at maximizing personal satisfaction.

Of course, altruistic motives are much more desirable but sometimes it is difficult to see the difference between these two types of gift motives. The material value of a gift can be crucial in how the gift will be viewed by the recipient. Very expensive gifts are just an example of this.

If the bond between the giver and the receiver is very strong, like a spouse, then such an expensive gift will surely be accepted altruistically. The spouses will certainly not blame each other for either the expensive or the cheapest gift. You can also get gift guide strategist online.

Occasions in which spouses give gifts in addition to the classic ones for birthdays, Christmas, and New Year are the most common wedding anniversaries. The wedding anniversary is something most special about a spouse and gifts for the occasion are priceless. You can find wedding anniversary gift ideas in our wedding anniversary gifts category.

Also, if it is a gift of close family members, parents, or children, the same rules apply. Any gift from a parent to their children or vice versa will be accepted altruistically regardless of the material value of that gift.

You can find gift ideas for children in our category gifts for babies and children, while gift ideas for parents can be found in the category gifts for parents. In all other situations, one should be very careful and resourceful so that our gift is not perceived as agonistically motivated or as self-promotion. Let's go in order.

Get Transformational Trainings Online

What is the difference between CHANGE and Transformation? This question could have many answers and different perceptions of people can bring out different definitions. One way of looking at both these words and differentiating is – CHANGE could be temporary and reversible but Transformation is Permanent!

When a pupa becomes a butterfly, is it a change or a transformational effect? Definitely, it is Transformation as it's not reversible; the butterfly no way on earth would become a worm again! You can also get transformational power courses online.

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Behavioral training's transformational nature has always been a question and has been an area of concern for lots of organizations. Under stringent budgets and cost-cutting scenarios, many organizations cut down on behavioral training as they are viewed as a cost rather than an investment. Knowledge and awareness shared by good trainers are truly valuable but the transformation in participants and employees is a question.

All the behavioral programs like Leadership, Motivation, Relationship empowerment, team bonding, and many more require a complete shift in the mindset, perceptions, and beliefs for the workshop to be effective! The workshop hence needs to focus on raising awareness, using powerful questioning techniques for self-realization, and programming the subconscious and unconscious of an individual.