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5kg Dumbbells – Get One For Every Room In Your Home!

The average gym-going guy is always asking about how much weight the heaviest weight sets are to start out with. He wants to build up his muscle but he's afraid of getting too strong, so he won't lift much until after a few weeks of working out. The question is – how much weight does it take to get started? Let's find out.

You should always start with dumbbells, not barbells or machines. The reason for that is that with dumbbells seen on this link, you can adjust the weights to make them suitable for your strength level. I'm a personal believer in "less is more." If there is something you'll be using a lot then invest in a lot of handles. If you only use dumbbells to do bicep curls and triceps kickbacks and other isolation exercises, then a pair of cheap dumbbells will be enough for your beginner's workout.

You want to start with an exercise that isolates your muscle group. The best exercises to do this with dumbbells are: Flyes, presses, rows, dips, chin ups, pull downs, and squats. Focus on one muscle group at a time. Do as many sets as you can for each exercise. This is good because it means you can more accurately gauge how many sets you need to do to get the weight you're lifting. You won't overdo it, and you'll avoid getting hurt.

Focus on progressively increasing the weight as you complete each exercise. Don't rest between workouts and increase the weights as you do. This is very dangerous and could actually cause injury if you push yourself too hard too soon. Focus on maintaining proper form while working out. Good form is a huge factor in building big muscle mass.

You'll start to get a feel for which dumbbells feel best for you as you begin to exercise. I recommend getting the heaviest dumbbells you can afford. That way you can work out the most weight possible. This also helps you avoid losing strength in the middle of your workout and allows you to make quicker progress. Get started with the heaviest weight you can lift, then go slowly as you get better.

You'll also want to vary your exercises so you get the full workout you need. Some people should lift light weights two or three times a week. For others, heavier weights are better. Find what works for you and stick with it. If you constantly change up your dumbbells you will keep your body guessing and that will keep you from getting bored with exercising and dropping your weight!

If you decide to go for a bigger weight, go for a heavier set of dumbbells. You should be lifting between eight and fifteen pounds at most. Remember to mix up your workouts so you don't get bored with doing the same exercises all the time. Go for five minute intervals and get a good sweat going!

Start slow at first, especially if you're new to dumbbells. Don't overdo it, just focus on a bit of each body part every day and build up from there. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to lift more than ever before and get a much better workout than before too. So many people want to get a bigger frame and toned muscles quickly, but they never seem to find the time or patience to achieve their goals, which is why buying dumbbells online is such a good idea!

Get a quality pair of dumbbells – don't settle for second best. A cheap pair will break easily, bend easily and generally look shabby. You will need durable dumbbells for this. Invest in a pair that are solid and heavy duty. They'll last a lot longer!

Make sure that you pick the right size dumbbells too. There's nothing worse than buying something that won't fit into your home. You can get these too. If you're worried about how big you need to get, that's no problem – you can usually get an exact measurement on the site. Just make sure to get ones within the recommended weight range.

Try a couple of dumbbells to see what kind of weight you like. Dumbbells are really easy to use once you get used to them. Look for quality too – don't choose something with poor construction. With dumbbells you can be guaranteed of a fantastic workout every time!