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Set up a Telegram channel for a business

To define a business telegram channel, you must first create a new one. You can create a telegraph line from your phone application. Open the app and click the menu at the top left, then click New Channel.

Channel name

In this section, you must provide your channel name. Keep in mind that the channel name is the name your users will see. So use short names and interests. If you want to join different telegram channels, you can visit this site

Image Source: Google

Profile picture

Use a high-quality profile photo with your logo. You must use the image in the form of a square, e.g. B. Facebook profile picture.

Channel description

Here you need to write a text about your channel, what it is for, what is published there. The channel description is displayed on your channel.

Channel type

Choose whether you want to make the channel public or private. Anyone can search for and join public television stations. To join a private channel, you must have an invite connection.


If you decide to make your channel public, create a unique link to your channel. You can use this link to post links on other websites. The link is in the form of, where the username is your username, which can also be accessed using the @ sign.

If you decide you want the channel to be private, you'll get a unique shareable link so people can join you.