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Detailed Overview About Security Audits

Enterprise management frequently confuses "penetration test" with"computer safety audits".

They are most likely making the biggest mistake of these since pen-test or penetration testing is merely a kind of testing procedure which is utilized to identify vulnerabilities in the computer system. You can get enterprise blockchain solutions for security audits.

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But, penetration testing can be conducted from beyond the firewall using the minimum inside data so as to replicate how actual hackers will obtain access to this machine.

Unlike VAPT testing, complete security audits take place as part of the regular business activities to maintain effective security policies.

The management should understand that auditing is not a conference room activity; it is a set of various complicated processes to get the answers to the following important questions:

Are passwords safe enough?

  • Are Process Control List (ACLs) are working accurately, and who has access to shared data?
  • Are there audit logs are recorded, and reviewed?
  • Are the security settings for a different operating system is according to the implemented security practices?
  • Is in-use operating systems and commercial applications are up to the mark?
  • How the media backup is stored? Who can access the confidential data? Are their passwords are strong and changed on a regular basis?
  • Is there a disaster recovery plan? Is or company prepared to face any data breach?