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Tummy Tuck Surgery Useful Information

Abdominal surgery or abdominal plastic surgery is an effective surgery to reshape the body. During abdominal surgery, fat and skin are removed from the middle and lower abdomen. This will strengthen your muscles and your stomach will become firmer.

Tummy tuck is a well-known surgery for women with sagging skin and abdominal muscles due to multiple pregnancies. Those who have managed to lose significant amounts of weight, as well as some excess skin on their stomachs, are also advised to undergo this surgery.

tummy tuck surgery

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There are several types of tummy tucks available. This includes a full, partial, and enlarged tummy tucks. Complete truck can take longer, up to 5 hours, because this process is much larger than a partial truck. Partial truck only takes about one to two hours. Extended tuck also includes surgery, pulling back, and shaping the thighs and hips.

The best candidate for getting a tummy tucks must have one or more of the following criteria:

o A weakened stomach or regardless of the severity of the pregnancy.

o An extended abdomen which is not in the right ratio with the entire body.

o Relaxation and excessive stomach skin.

o Excess fat tissue, especially in the abdominal area.

Patients who have undergone surgery can return to work after about ten days of recovery. The patient needs to maintain circulation by resting and walking. Patients can only do light exercises about 10 days after surgery.