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Is It Better To Take Public Transit Or To Drive?

Some people insist on driving their own vehicles while many use public transportation. More and more people are getting on buses to cope with soaring gasoline prices, while others feel the need to pay more to travel comfortably in their own car. 

It may make more sense to use public transport if you live in a very congested city where it is almost impossible to find a parking space. You can also look for the best public transit in South Florida by clicking at:

Mass Transit (Bus/Train/MetroMover/Trolley) – 1800234ride

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People who live in areas with heavy traffic and with limited parking sometimes prefer to take the bus or the red line. If you don't like walking in public, buses may not be for you. 

Some people may feel uncomfortable walking to a bus stop for safety reasons or when they want to dress and wear high heels. 

However, if you only rely on public transportation, you don't need to worry about having to pay for car insurance or vehicle maintenance which can be expensive. 

Additional costs associated with owning a vehicle can include cleaning and registration fees, which can be significant.

If you want to save money and require no maintenance, and don't mind sitting next to strangers, listening to their conversations, and walking in public, public transportation may be for you. 

However, if privacy is of utmost importance to you and gets easily annoyed by other people, it may be a good idea to bring your own car, even if it is more expensive.