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Turf Irrigation – How To Save Water And Your Lawn During Drought Years

In a climate that has a long, hot, and dry summer, the most commonly used grass varieties are eternal grass which is not only developing in the hot climate but also develops a deep and broad root system. This property can be used to reduce water consumption in normal years and minimize it during the dry year. With the right variations and correct watering practices, your page may look poor under a minimalist regime, but the root system must remain intact, allowing pages to look like when more water is available in a better year.

Under normal circumstances, the amount of water calculated for each given irrigation is the volume needed per day, multiplied by the number of days between each irrigation. This range is different for heavy clay soil holding water well, compared to light sandy soil, which is not. Grass that grows in sandy soil may need to be watered every 3-5 days, while in the clay interval maybe 7-14 days. Windsor grassgrows in this way is better able to resist dryness and reduce the amount of water.

It’s a way to use less water every time. Say, for example, we water our pages every 10 days and set the watering timer. The grass looks green, fertile, and healthy. Instead of setting a tap to turn on on the 10th day, we waited until the first signs of stress were exhibited by the page appeared, what happened, say, after 12 days. From now on we apply the same amount but for 12 days instead of ten!

Now let’s step ahead. Instead of watering when the first stress signs appear, we waited until the grass really starts withering. This can occur after an additional 7-10 days, but the amount delivered on the next watering is still sufficient for ten-day intervals. The grass may look terrible during that period, but it must be recovered after being watered, while little or no damage is done at the roots. This is how you can save the page during the year of drought.