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Finding Affordable Housing Options With Section 8 In Washington County

Washington County, like many areas in the U.S., is facing a housing crisis. With increasing costs, it can be difficult for families to find low income apartments options. The Washington County Housing Authority provides Section 8, a federal program that helps low-income families find and pay for decent, safe, and sanitary housing.

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Section 8 vouchers are available to eligible households who meet the federal income and other criteria. The voucher amount is based on the family’s income and size and can be used to pay for rent and utilities. 

To be eligible for Section 8 in Washington County, families must meet certain income guidelines and provide documentation that they are U.S. citizens or legal residents. The housing authority also considers factors such as family size, disability status, and how long a family has lived in the county.

Once approved, families can choose from a variety of affordable housing options in the county. The housing authority provides a list of participating landlords, who are required to meet certain standards for safety and sanitation. The list includes apartments, single-family homes, and other rental options. Families can also search for Section 8 housing on their own, as long as the unit meets the housing authority’s standards.

Section 8 is a great resource for low-income families in Washington County. With the help of the housing authority, families can find safe and affordable housing without breaking the bank.