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How To Keep Your Hang Musical Instrument Safe

To keep your hang musical instrument safe, there are a few simple steps you should take. First, if you are not playing it, keep it in its case. This will protect it from dust, dirt, and other elements that can damage it. Buying a professional quality handpan can be a great way to ensure you get the best sound possible and to make sure your instrument will last for years to come.

Second, you should keep it away from direct sunlight. The sun can cause the instrument to warp and fade. If you must keep it in a sunny room, make sure to cover it up with a cloth or other material.

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Third, you should make sure to keep the instrument clean and dry. If it gets wet, make sure to dry it off immediately. You can also use some mild soap and water to clean it off. Do not use any harsh chemicals or abrasives on the instrument, as this can damage it.

Fourth, you should be careful when transporting the instrument. Make sure to use a sturdy case or bag so that the instrument is safe. The case should also be well-padded to protect it from bumps and bruises.

Finally, you should make sure to check the instrument for any signs of damage before using it. If you notice any cracks, dents, or other signs of damage, have it repaired right away?