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Ways to Play Steel Guitar With a Slide

A steel guitar slide is a piece of wood, plastic, or metal that is attached to the neck of the guitar and used to change the sound of the instrument. Slides can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, and metal. To know more about how to play the steel guitar slide, you can also have a peek here.

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The main purpose of a steel guitar slide is to change the sound of the instrument. Slides are usually made from wood, plastic, or metal. They are attached to the neck of the guitar and used to change the sound of the instrument. The main types of slides are vibrato, tremolo, and vibrato bar.

Here are the ways to play steel guitar with a slide:

1. Start by playing the basic open chords on the A string with the slide.

2. Then, add the D chord by playing D on the sixth string and A on the fifth string with the slide.

3. Next, play the G7 chord by adding G# on the fifth string and the 7th fret of the fourth string. 

4. Play the Em7 chord by placing your index finger in front of the E string and fingering Em7 on the sixth string at the second fret. 

5. Play the C7 chord by barring both first and third strings with your hand while sliding up to fret 3 of the B string. 

6. Play the DADG chord by barring both first and third strings with your hand while sliding up to fret 2 of the A string. 

7. Play the Am9 chord by barring both first and third strings with your hand while sliding up to fret 5 of the E string. 

8. Play the Dm7 chord by barring both first and third strings with your hand while sliding up