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How Orthodontic Treatment Can Improve Your Oral Health

Orthodontic treatment can significantly improve your oral health. Orthodontic treatment can help straighten teeth and correct bite and jaw alignment issues. When teeth are aligned properly, they are easier to clean and the risk of gum disease and tooth decay is reduced. Additionally, when teeth are properly aligned, the risk of injury to the teeth, gums, and jaws is decreased.

Somerville Orthodontics offers a comprehensive range of orthodontic services, from traditional braces and Invisalign to the newest advances in orthodontic technology. Orthodontic treatment can improve the appearance of your smile. Straight teeth are less likely to be stained or discolored, and they can provide a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Treatment can also help to improve speech and chewing problems caused by crooked teeth or misaligned jaws.

The benefits of orthodontic treatment extend beyond the physical aspects of your oral health. A healthy smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem and can lead to better social and professional interactions. When you feel good about your smile, you are more likely to show it off, and this can even improve your overall quality of life.

The most important benefit of orthodontic treatment is that it can help to protect the long-term health of your teeth and gums. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. In addition, teeth that are properly aligned are less likely to become worn down or damaged, reducing the risk of expensive and uncomfortable dental procedures in the future.