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What To Look When Install A Paver Patio

If you’re considering a patio installation, you may be wondering what exactly goes into making one. There are many different types of patios, each with its own unique features and benefits. You can also check out here to get more information about paver patio installation.

Here’s a breakdown of what to look for when choosing a patio installation: 

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Location: Your patio should be located where it will get the most use. If it faces southeast or southwest, for example, the sun will beat down on it all day long in summertime. On the other hand, if it faces northeast or northwest, the shade will be nice in the summer.

Size: The size  is also important. Make sure you can fit at least six chairs around the table comfortably. If you have more guests than that, consider adding extra seats and tables on either side of the main one.

Type of Pavers: You won’t need paver patio installation if you choose linoleum or ceramic tiles, as these materials are non-porous and do not require sealing or painting like other types of pavement do. However, if you want a durable and long-lasting patio surface, vinyl pavers are a good option. They come in a variety of colours and patterns and can be easily maintained with a hose attachment from your garden hose spigot. 

Paver Patio Installation Cost: In addition to location, size and type of paving material, another factor to consider when choosing a patio is cost. Prices  will vary significantly depending on the location, type of patio and paving material.