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The Benefits Of Periodontal Treatments

There are many benefits to periodontal treatments, including improved gum health and a reduced risk of tooth decay. Periodontal treatments can help to restore oral hygiene and improve the appearance of your teeth. They may also reduce the need for other dental procedures, such as dentures or crowns.

Periodontal treatments may be used in combination with other dental care to achieve the best results. Some common periodontal treatments include

• Dental flossing: Flossing removes plaque and bacteria from between teeth and around gums. It can help to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

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• Cleanings: Regular cleanings remove plaque and calculus (hardened plaque) from around teeth and gums. Cleanings may be done using a mouthwash or brush.

• Root planing: Root planing is a procedure that removes the surface layer of hard tissue that supports the tooth root. This helps to reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

• Crowns and dentures: Crowns and dentures may be needed in cases where periodontal treatments do not work. Crowns and dentures are usually made of porcelain or other dental materials and are fitted over the original teeth.

• Invisalign: Invisalign is a popular treatment for improving the look of teeth by aligning them using clear, removable aligners.