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Types of Orthodontic Treatments

There are many types of orthodontic treatments that can be used to correct teeth alignment and improve your smile. These treatments may include straightening teeth, moving teeth, correcting tooth decay, and adding braces.

Straightening Teeth: Straightening teeth with orthodontics is one of the most common types of treatments performed. Orthodontic straightening may use a number of different techniques, such as using wire or brackets to move teeth into a desired position. When done correctly, orthodontic straightening can help correct tooth alignment and improve your smile.If you want to know more about Orthodontic Treatments you can check this website

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Moving Teeth: Moving teeth with orthodontics is another common type of treatment. Orthodontic moving may use either removable or fixed devices to move teeth into the best position. When done correctly, orthodontic moving can help correct tooth alignment and improve your smile.

Correcting Tooth Decay: Correcting tooth decay with orthodontics is another common type of treatment. Orthodontic corrections may include removing affected tooth material and shaping the remaining tooth so that it functions properly within the oral cavity. Correcting tooth decay can help restore dental health and improve your smile.

Adding Braces: Adding braces to your treatment plan is yet another common type of orthodontic treatment. Braces may be worn for a period of time (usually two years) in order to correct teeth alignment and improve your smile. When done correctly, braces can help restore dental health and improve your smile.